A Year Across the Globe


Abree Hill, Staff Writer

Imagine packing your whole life in one tiny suitcase, leaving your friends and family, and traveling across the world to live in a completely different country who doesn’t even speak your native language, all for one year. New cultures, new people, new foods, new rules, new memories, new everything. It’s not something just anyone can do, but many brave teenagers from everywhere— literally— commit to this life changing experience.

The decision to become a foreign exchange student varies from person to person. Everyone has a different mindset and reason for dedicating a whole year of their life to experience it firsthand.

“I was kind of tired of my life in Spain and I wanted to try new things. I felt I was doing the exact same things every year, so I just decided to challenge myself,” said Irene Lajarín Sánchez, 11.

Irene, a foreign exchange student from Spain, has been learning English since she was just three years old. In Spain, they spend a substantial amount of time learning simple vocabulary. Movies are in Spanish, songs are in Spanish, basically everything is in Spanish so English isn’t as big a necessity unlike most countries.

Of course learning English is very influential in today’s world everywhere; however, a recent poll from Spain’s CIS state research institute collected data that a total of 60% of Spaniards recognize they can’t speak, read, or write in English. Stepping out of her comfort zone, Irene has made memories and friendships that will be with her forever. Her life will forever be changed completely.

“It was hard leaving my family, but I knew I would see them all again. It was kinda scary in the beginning because I didn’t know anyone, but I made friends through my host family and tennis! Now I know so many people and I’m so grateful for all the friends I’ve made,” said Norwegian foreign exchange student, Lena Ramberg, 12.

To get to know a culture by actually living it, like you do with a host family, is a truly unique experience that can not be compared to anything else. Sure, it’s not always easy, but it is without a doubt worth it. And this is an opportunity you will probably never get again!

“An exchange year is really something that everybody should do. It doesn’t matter where, just go to a different place, learn about a new culture, and meet different people. You make friends from all over the world and get more opportunities in life. You learn more about yourself, how to handle things on your own, and especially to appreciate your own family, really! I can’t wait for people to come visit me in Norway one day,” said Norwegian foreign exchange student, Julie Romano, 11.

Determining whether or not to become a foreign exchange student is harder for some than others. It’s difficult for some to process or even think about packing up their things, leaving their family and friends, and diving head first into the unknown. But, you will make the best friends you have ever had. You will learn to appreciate everything, from family to the way things are organized in your home supermarket. You will get to know yourself in a level you couldn’t possibly have imagined before. You will get amazing people skills. You will learn the most random, stupid things yet in some moment of your life you will use it again and you realize it somehow all had a purpose. In the end, a foreign exchange isn’t for everyone; however, if given the opportunity you should just go for it.