A New Tune-KW Gets a New Band Director

As Kelly Walsh entered a new school year they also welcomed a new band teacher, Mr. Rose. Just like being the new kid at a school, the transition for a new teacher can be just as hard. However, Rose has taken up the new role without a problem.

He has already started to make changes to help the Trojan band be better than ever. Since becoming the band teacher, he has made some adjustments to the band to help them meet his vision of what they should sound like. He has added some new tunes, such as Fall Out Boy’s My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark Ke$ha’s Timber, to the band’s play list in order to make them a more prominent feature at sporting events.

With a growing band, these alterations are more difficult than usual. Rose said, “Last year the band had about seventy members, this year that number is up to a hundred and twenty.” Eleven of them are also members of the all-state band. Rose is the brass director of this band as well. They plan to march this upcoming year during the Rose Bowl parade.

Rose said, “What people need to know about the Rose Bowl Parade for a marching band is the amount of work and preparation that goes into it. It is miles of marching and playing and during the first stretch there isn’t a break.”

Preparing for the parade is similar to preparing for any other sport. Just like the players on a football team, the students in band have to be in their best shape in order to perform at their best potential. Rose plans to help the eleven members get there this winter with nightly practices.

Mr. Rose encourages the Kelly Walsh student body to come watch the whole Kelly Walsh band on October 17 at eight PM at the Casper Events Center for the State Marching Band Convention. For more information on the band visit their website at kellywalshband.com.


Advisers Note courtesy of Brent Rose*

On Saturday, October 3rd, the Kelly Walsh High School Trojan Marching Band competed in the University of Wyoming / Troopers Marching Band Invitational. The 7 biggest bands in the State of Wyoming competed in the invite. The Trojan Marching Band had their best performance so far this year, placing 2nd Place behind Campbell County High School. The KW Band took the caption award in the area of Marching Execution. Below are some pictures and complete results.


The KW Trojan Marching Band will perform at the Wyoming State Marching Band Festival here in Casper at the Events Center on Saturday, October 17th. The festival begins at 3pm and KW is the final group to perform at 8:00pm.