Lunchtime is Everyone’s Favorite Time

In high school, lunchtime is anticipated by students everywhere. Whether you eat at school, go home for lunch or make a stop at your favorite food joint, all students agree it is a good part of the day. A lot of students stay at the school to eat as lower classmen. It is a good opportunity to catch up with friends or finish homework. As students get older, their options for lunch expand. Kids that leave campus can go anywhere for lunch.

Students at Kelly Walsh have many different places that they go for lunch. Popular locations are fast food stops like Wendys, McDonalds, Jimmy Johns and more. Luckily, Kelly Walsh’s lunch is a good amount of time; therefore the options are fairly endless. While there are many students that like to go out for lunch, there are many that prefer to head home. This is an affordable lunch option while being in the comfort of your own home.  

Students at Kelly Walsh have the option to go to the tutor center for lunch; they can catch up on missing assignments and do ACT prep without missing any class time or using time after school. This is very convenient for student athletes and students that work after school. The cafeteria staff at Kelly Walsh is very good at making sure students get through the line in a timely fashion. Traffic during school lunches can get hectic but as the school year goes by, students figure out what routes work best for them and the best places to park.

“Parking in the main student lot doesn’t make leaving for lunch difficult. I can usually get out pretty fast” says Junior Audrey Mitchell.

With a lot of upperclassmen students leaving campus for lunch, this could take the pressure off of the staff at Kelly Walsh to provide lunch to every student. The revenue that high school students bring has a positive effect on the community. Some restaurants in Casper even offer student discounts and lunch specials to lower the cost that students have to pay. Going out to lunch every day can get expensive but it can be fun. There is a lot of variety in Casper. Students have the option of switching their usual routine. Instead of going out everyday for lunch, students can go to a friends house or their own. Instead of going home every day, save a little money and go to lunch with friends. Lunch is a break time for students and all should be able to get the most out of it.