Profile: Standout Kelly Walsh Volleyball player Corin Carruth commits to UW

Choosing a college is a stressful decision for any student wanting to continue onto higher education, but there is an added weight onto student athletes. 

Corin Carruth, a starting middle for the Trojans, has chosen to continue her volleyball career at the University of Wyoming. 

“I was looking at a lot of schools, all levels and all over the country, but when it came down to it UW was the best fit for me,” Carruth said. 

When Carruth went to visit the University of Wyoming she instantly felt at home. The tight knit community created by the coaches and players was exactly what she was looking for.

“The coaches and girls are really close and I felt like I fit in. Everyone was so caring and kind, and the coaches care so much and want the best for each individual girl.”

The division one program was another reason Carruth chose UW. She felt like it was an environment that would push her to the best of her abilities. 

Corin Carruth found a love for the game at a very young age. At just seven years old she had a competitive drive and desire to get better. Just like many young volleyball players in Casper, Carruth joined an after school volleyball program called ECVC. 

“My advice for younger players is that they should always try to be growing and pushing themselves and their teammates to be passionate.”

Carruth, a senior captain, hopes to help lead the Lady Trojans to a three-peat state championship this up and coming fall season. In the previous season, Carruth was named 4A player of the year as a junior. 

“I think Corin is a little unique because she gives total effort all the time. She doesn’t take plays off and that helps her to grow every time that she gets on the court. A lot of players in all sports pick and choose when they are going to really try hard and that gets in the way of growth,”  Kelly Walsh Volleyball Coach Jeff Barkell had to say about his starting middle. 

Just from watching her play, you can tell there is something different about Carruth. She’s a standout. She craves perfection, and does not settle for less. 

“I find that most players want to be left alone, good players want to be coached, but the great players want to be told the truth about how they are doing and Corin always wants the truth. She doesn’t want things sugar coated to make her feel good, she wants to be told what she needs to do to get better all of the time,” Barkell continued to say. 

As a junior, Carruth has already accomplished a great deal. Who is to say what the future has in store for the two time all-state recipient. 

“When it’s all said and done, I’m confident in the decision I made. I’m excited to see where this journey will take me. I want to thank the people who got me here, all the coaches that have helped me along the way, as well as all the teammates I’ve played with. Who pushed me everyday to be better not only for myself, but for them too. And of course, I’d like to thank my family for supporting and believing in me always,” Corin Carruth had to say.