2019 is Last Class to Remember Old Building

2019 is Last Class to Remember Old Building

Tess Bjorksten, Staff Writer

In 1965, a building was erected that became the home of many Trojans through the years. The last group of students to ever attend classes in the old Kelly Walsh building will be graduating at the end of this month.

When asked to describe the old school, seniors Nathan Schmidt, Jarred Carlstrom, and Alexia Mendez provided descriptors such as, “cookey,” “endearing,” “cozy,” “historical,” and “like an old person with a bunch of zeal.” When asked what they missed the most about the old school, most seniors responded that they wish the new school had the same warm, homey energy as the old building; many also reported that they miss the courtyard.

“I thought it was really cool that there was an outdoor place where students could have class and lunch,” said senior Alexia Mendez.

While it is disappointing that, going forward, the old school will only exist in the memories of the teachers at Kelly Walsh, the seniors can attest that there are many good things to be found here and many valid reasons that the change of location was necessary.

“The old school lacked the organization of classes to areas, and that’s one thing I came to appreciate in the new school,” said senior Nathan Schmidt. Senior Siri Ullery relayed the same sentiment, “The new school feels more clinical, but it’s also easier to find things.”

Jarred Carlstrom offered his piece on the fact that the last group to have been in the old school is now graduating, leaving only students who have always known the new building.

“It’s a bittersweet thing because we’re the last ones to know how our school felt. It honestly felt like what every 90s high school movie was, and it’s sad that no one else will know that feeling or be grateful to have this new and nice building compared to the decrepit state the old school was in.”

Old or new, Kelly Walsh has never been about the building but rather the inspiring and passionate people that come here every day. While it can be tempting to be nostalgic and bitter about the loss of the old school, there are already so many beautiful memories tied to the new one. Keep making history, Kelly Walsh.